Have you ever thought about the cost of making friends with people who don’t want to follow Jesus? Luke 15:1-2 reads, “Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, ‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” What would people think if you were hanging out with sinners? Would they wonder if you really followed Jesus or question you and your walk?
Initially I thought, “could this cause me to become more like them, possibly lose who I am, maybe even stumble?” Then I remembered that I was once in darkness until someone showed me the light. Do you have friends or acquaintances who are not walking with the Lord or possibly making bad choices? I did and was able to share the goodness of God and tried to be a light in their life. My friend noticed the fire in me and my love for people. So, I demonstrated love for her no matter what she did and was determined to expose her to the love of our Father. Over time she accepted Jesus into her heart and it changed her life forever. Many of us choose to stay in our comfort zone where we feel safe and try to blend into the world. Who can you seek and allow to see the light of Jesus shining through you? When you help find the lost, the reward outweighs the cost.
Jesus knows how vulnerable the one sheep was so he left the 99 to find that one lost sheep because of his extraordinary love. He knew the 99 would be safe with each other and sought the lost sheep. When he found it he rejoiced! “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not repent.” The reward of finding the lost sheep and bringing it home was an example of how God pursues us and in his perfect timing finds and holds us when we need him most. His extraordinary love prompted Jesus to come to earth to find the lost, forgive, and save them. Aren’t we called to do the same?
Have you ever shared the gospel and walked with that person as they accepted the great love Jesus has to offer? Maybe it felt joyful like how Jesus felt when he found his lost sheep. Did the risk outweigh the reward?
Jessica Feliciano
Preschool Director