Join us for an upcoming event at Emmanuel Faith!
Featured Events
The following are a few highlighted events happening soon. Looking for the full events calendar? Click the button below.
Men's Discipleship Breakfast
Saturday, February 8, 8-10am, Family Center (Gym)
Calling all EFCC Men! Come join us for a time of fellowship and spiritual growth. We’ll enjoy breakfast and hear from a panel of former NFL players and discuss “Becoming a Champion for Christ.” The cost is $10 per individual, or $25 per family (of 3 or more). Click the link below to learn more or register online.
Love Esco Month Is Here
Love Esco Month: All through the month of February in Escondido
Volunteer projects will be happening throughout the entire month of February. Come out and love Escondido with your church family. Click the link below to learn more or get involved.
Newcomer Lunch
Sunday, February 9, 12:15pm, Cafe
If you’re new to the church, we’d love for you to join us in the Cafe for lunch and to hear from some of our pastors, elders, and staff. It’s a great time to learn more about Emmanuel Faith and find ways you and your family can get connected. Click below to learn more or RSVP.
Next Baptism Opportunity
Prep Class: Sunday, February 9, after the a.m. services
Baptisms: Sunday, February 16, in all services
Our next opportunity to celebrate baptisms will be Sunday, February 16, during each service. If you’re interested in being baptized, please attend one of our info meetings on Sunday, February 9. Click below to learn more or to sign up.
Estate Planning Workshop
Wed., February 26, 6:30-8pm, or Sat., March 1, 9-10:30am, Chapel
Don’t miss an informative estate planning seminar with attorney John Yphantides. Get some practical tools to equip you to take the next steps toward planning for your future including the biblical perspective on ownership and stewardship, avoiding the high cost of probate, the tools of estate planning, wills and trusts, and more. No RSVP is needed.
Sing With the EFCC Choir
Rehearsal: Thurs., Feb. 27, 6pm | Sing: Fri., Mar. 2, 9am Classic Service
Join the Classic Worship Team for a one-hour rehearsal on Thursday, February 27, at 6pm (arrive by 5:30pm), and then sing with the team at the 9am service on Sunday, March 2 (includes a rehearsal at 8am). Anyone who has sung with our team or who has sung in choirs in the past is welcome (past experience not required). Sign up via the link below.
Kids & Youth Winter Camps Info
FaithKids: March 28-30 | Junior High: Feb. 7-9 | High School: Feb. 21-23
Winter camp season is here! FaithKids will be going to Pine Valley March 28-30 for elementary camp. Junior High (February 7-9) will be going to Hume SoCal at Green Valley Lake near Big Bear. And High School (February 22-23) will be going to Camp Maranatha in Idyllwild. Click a button below to register.
Host Families Needed
For July of 2025
Bring missions to your home by hosting a student, sharing your lives, and planting seeds for the gospel. High school students from Spain and Andorra are coming to San Diego from July 2-28. Young Life Ministry of Spain invites unchurched students to experience American culture and attend a Young Life summer camp from July 17-22. We’re seeking 20 host families and sign-ups are needed by March 1. Click below to learn more.