Learning to live in the Way of Jesus with the Heart of Jesus.
Online and In-Person Resources
Living in the way of Jesus with the heart of Jesus.
"How to" Resources
Our Father…
What kind of Father has he been lately? Which of his attributes do you appreciate most? Hold these thoughts for now.
In heaven…
God is big and God is close! Spend a few moments considering his immensity, power and vastness! Then remember you matter to him! Tell how you’re feeling about this reality.
Hallowed by your name…
To pray God’s name would be “hallowed” is to pray it would be “honored greatly”. Spend time honoring his name. You could pray, “Father, I honor your name because…”). Then pray his name would be honored in whatever areas come to mind.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…
Ask that he accomplish his will in any and all people and places that come to mind. (Consider developing a simple list). Have specific things you pray for – “Your will be done in ______,”If you need to (re)surrender some area of your life, this is a great time for that.
Give us each day our daily bread…
Pray for your specific needs. Don’t be shy or grow weary in asking.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors…
Ask him to search your heart and show you things you need to confess. Be specific in your confession. If there are any people you cannot forgive, ask him to help you.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…
Pray against temptation in your life. Pray against: specific sins; all evil – evil people, evil influences and the evil one. Pray against evil in your community. Pray for God’s blessing and grace. Commit to following him as he leads you.
Ask God to search your heart. Confess your sins to him. Ask him to make you ready and eager to learn. Ask him to illuminate the Scriptures for you.
Ask Questions
What do the verses say? What questions do you have? Be alert! Look for key words, ideas, thoughts and phrases. Look for things which are repeated. Read at least two good translations (ESV, NASB, NIV). Write down everything you see.
Determine Meaning
Ask: What did these verses mean to the original recipients? What kind of literature is this? What is the biblical context? What other passages are similar? What was the culture of the recipients like? What was going on in their lives? Consult a good Study Bible (ESV or NIV) or commentary to see what others have said. Remember that God determines the meaning and our task is to discover it.
Arrive at Principles
Prayerfully develop principles from the verses. A principle is a timeless truth that works in any culture at any time. This is not always an easy step, so keep praying and working at it.
Develop an Application
A good application develops a plan for how you will practice one of the principles. This is an “I will…” statement. It is personal, practical and can be measured.
Resources: biblehub.com; biblegateway.com; blueletterbible.com. The EFCC library has commentaries and books on how to study the Bible.
Anyone can facilitate a Life Group! By using this plan, you can gather family and/or friends and have a meaningful time of growth and connection around any text in the Bible.
Checking in with each other (20 minutes)
First, ask each other the following questions –
- What are you thankful for this week?
- What has you stressed out this week?
- How did it go with practicing your “I will” statement during the week?
Looking into the Bible (20 minutes)
Next, study the passage –
- Have someone read the passage out loud.
- Have someone retell the passage in his/her own words.
- Ask –
- What does the passage teach about God?
- What does this passage teach about humanity?
- Do you have any other observations about the passage?
- Complete this sentence, “This week I will….”
- Who will you share this passage with before you meet again?
Looking up in Prayer (20 minutes)
Third, take time to pray for each other.
- You can pray about what has people stressed out.
- You can pray about big things coming up in the next week.
- You can pray about your “I will” statement for the week.
- You can pray about needs in your community and how you might reach out.
If you start a group, please let us know! We’d like to include you in our leadership community and provide additional resources and training. Please email Janelle at [email protected].
A fundamental component for growing as a disciple is the Bible. It’s in the pages of Scripture that we come to meet Jesus, know Jesus and find life and growth and maturity and joy. How, then, can we read the Bible in a way that helps us become maturing followers of Christ? Here is a simple strategy that can help. It’s called the R.E.S.T. plan.
Read. The most important thing about reading is, well, reading. And do so consistently. Therefore, the first step is to choose a plan to follow. There are many on the internet. Simply type “Bible Reading Plans” into your search engine and go from there.
Engage the Scriptures. Once you start, it’s important to think about what you’re reading. You may want to do some extra studying (a Study Bible can be helpful, as can our church library). The important thing is to allow what you’ve read to sink into your mind and heart. This happens as you think deeply about it.
Sit with Jesus. After reading and engaging, spend some time in prayer and ask God what he wants you to hear? It might be that he highlights a word, or a phrase. Trust that he has something for you as you seek him through his Word.
Trust and Obey. What if you assumed there was a step of obedience He was calling you to everyday? Would that change the way you read? After sensing what step of obedience he’s calling you to take, make it your intention to follow his lead by the power of the Spirit.
Read. Engage. Sit. Trust. Try reading the Bible using this methodology and see how it helps you become a disciple of Jesus.
The Prayer Wheel is a simple tool for practicing prayer. You can use it by yourself, with a prayer partner or in a group. In just 12 simple steps (5 minutes each) this Prayer Wheel guides you through 12 ways the Bible teaches us to pray.
La rueda de oración es una herramienta sencilla para practicar la oración. Puede usarla solo, con un compañero de oración o en grupo. En solo 12 pasos simples, de 5 minutos cada uno, esta rueda de oración lo guía a través de doce formas en que la Biblia nos enseña a orar.
The Bible does not present a single, comprehensive list of spiritual gifts. There are listings of specific gifts in several verse sections. Click below to download and view the Spiritual Gifts Inventory & Assessment document to learn more.
Spiritual Practice Resources
Media Resources
Sermon Resources
Watch or listen to a sermon, access related files, and find encouragement through the Scriptures.
The encouragement you need, whenever you need it. Sermons, devotionals, and more.
The Daily Fill devotionals are intentionally crafted to help you walk with Jesus daily.
Other Ministry Resources
FAMILY NEWS: Pray for Our Church Family Members
Most weeks, we publish an online-only, digital “EFCC Family News Update” flyer. The Family News flyer lists church attendees and members who have passed away, details for memorial services, and the names of people who need prayer who are in the hospital, recovering at home, or dealing with cancer. When published in the worship guide (bulletin), this flyer is included as the last page of the weekly online worship guide (PDF file).
To access the Family News file each week, you can either:
(1) Access it via our App. When you are in the App on your phone or tablet, choose the Sundays tab at the bottom of the screen, then Worship Guide and then Family News to view a recent week; or
(2) From the current sermon page for the week — just click on the Worship Guide link and scroll to the last page of the PDF file.
FOSS FUND: Interest-free College Loan Program
The application period for the Robert B. Foss Memorial Fund for the 2024-2025 school year has passed.
The Foss Fund provides a limited number of interest-free loans to qualifying college students who attend California schools and are Emmanuel Faith Church members. Student applicants will be considered based on church involvement, school and community activities, and GPA. Please check back next spring when the next application period opens. Thank you!
MEN ON A MISSION – Visit Our Ministry Page
Men On A Mission (MOAM) is an outreach-minded ministry of Emmanuel Faith Community Church. MOAM has conducted many ministry building and refurbishment projects in various places statewide and overseas. Click the button below to visit our ministry page to learn more or to fill out a building project application.