My wife and I have been talking a lot about seeing what God is doing around us in all the little things. We started looking at our days and what has happened just to see God working. Maybe because it is Christmas, maybe because we have been reading the beginning of the Gospels, or maybe our Father in Heaven just wanted us to remember him. It is funny how when we get busy or distracted, it becomes very easy to miss all that he has done. Sometimes we need God to reach down to where we are so we can remember why we celebrate this time of year.
The Christmas season arrives quickly and distracts me with lights, events, parties and I miss seeing God the Father pouring out his love upon the world. Zechariah didn’t think when he walked into the temple to fulfill his duties he would experience something special God was doing. Of course an angel came and told him about his son (Luke 1:11-17). Zechariah was a little older so he didn’t think this was possible, so he doubted and then went silent (Luke 1:18-20). God was doing something special, but Zechariah wasn’t looking for God to do that. But God wanted to share joy and delight and cause people to have a reason to celebrate and rejoice (Luke 1:14)
God uses the Christmas season to remind the world how much he loves us so we can have the right heart during this season. He calls us to see his work and follow him. Sometimes we need a little help, like Zechariah did, to see God work his miracles. Of course sometimes we just need to talk about all the ways daily we see him work to be reminded of how much he loves us.
What has God been doing lately in your life or the lives around you? What gives your heart joy this Christmas? Where do you want to see your Father work during this season? Spend some time thinking about these questions and talking to God today.
Pastor Jeremy Johnson
Family Pastor