So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

The short video showed a small family gathering around what was clearly a birthday celebration. It was the stepfather’s birthday and they were finally at the stage where he was opening the presents lovingly bought or handmade for him. There was much joy in this family! Then the last beautifully decorated box was handed to him; it was from the children who eagerly watched his face. The box was not large, he thought it might be a shirt. After he opened the box and spread aside the tissue, he saw a letter. As he read it, this big strong man began to weep. It was a letter signed by all three children asking if he would please adopt them. What a joyous moment as he gathered them into his arms and tearfully said he could hardly wait to give them his last name.

It seems clear from the story that these children had been living with their stepfather for a long time. They must have felt loved, safe, and free to ask this. Perhaps he had told them he would like to adopt them but it took time for them to get to that place.

When the Lord gave us the promise of freedom if we abide in Him and His word, it would also take time for us to realize it! What exactly does it mean to abide in His word? If we truly want to be Jesus’ disciples, we hold to His teachings, making a commitment to put them into daily practice. For instance, forgiving as He forgives; loving our enemies; serving others; turning our cheeks; being kind to one another, and more. We make our home in Scripture and it becomes the way we view life. The truth of living out, and experiencing what Jesus teaches, releases us from the bondage of sin. What a wonderful promise, freedom from the slavery of sin. If we abide in His word, we become His disciples truly by living out what Jesus taught and then we are free indeed.

Reflection: How would your day-to-day life change if you chose to live out what Jesus teaches? Ask the LORD to reveal to you an area where He wants to free you from bondage. Commit to accepting this invitation to freedom.

Francie Overstreet

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