Jesus sees beyond the Samaritan’s woman’s ethnicity, gender, and religion. Instead, He sees her brokenness, her heartache, her failed relationships, and her deeply rooted shame and guilt. Jesus comes with love and understanding, but even more than that, He comes with grace and truth to set this woman free; from her sin, free from condemnation and judgment, free to live the life she was created for.
I knew a woman like her; who at 38 years old, needed to be set free from the mess she had made of her life. Two failed marriages prompted one bad choice after another; deeply sinful choices that resulted in public shame and humiliation. Jesus met her at the well and offered her forgiveness and freed her to live the life He created for her. She couldn’t wait to reckon her old woman dead and tell other women how they could find freedom too. She is 68 years old today and still sharing her story with broken women who need Jesus. She never looked back; only moved forward to live the life she was created for; confident in the love of her Savior. This woman is me; forever set free.
Margy Hill