I hear a lot of people talking these days about our country needing revival, bringing prayer back to schools, etc. I don’t disagree but I wonder when we talk about those “big” issues if we are diverting attention from the individuals who need a revival in their lives first. What about you and me?

David writes in Psalm 51:10 (KJV), “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” That needs to be part of our daily, personal renewal. As Christians, we need to be seeking a clean heart daily. We need to have a desire to have a renewed and right spirit. Before we can be concerned about our corporate prayer and worship, we need to make sure things are right within us. Before we can concern ourselves with a revival of the church in the entire nation, we need to look inside ourselves and ask is there a revival within me? Do I need God’s help to give new energy to my faith walk? What do others see when they see me? Am I different or do I just blend in with the crowd?

Maybe instead of waiting for a revival to happen, we should be the revival! Maybe we need to break out of old habits and routines, listen to what God says when we seriously pray Psalm 51:20. Do we mean it? Do we want a spirit aligned with God? Do we want to have His heart for people? It might require sacrifice on our part. Be ready. Do people tell me they see something different in me? In other words, do they see compassion for others even during their own trials, joy, and peace, etc?

I know this one thing to be true. When I pray for people and ask the Lord to bring me opportunities to make a difference, He never says no. This is a hurt and dying world we live in, and people hunger for the hope we have in Jesus. We are meant to reflect that eternal hope.

Are we ready to make the changes He reveals to us to have a renewed spirit? Can we make a vow to step out and be Christians of purpose? I am asking these same things of myself as I write this. Remember this song?

“Pass it On”

“It only takes a spark

To get a fire going

And soon all those around

Can warm up in its glowing

That’s how it is with God’s love

Once you’ve experienced it

You spread His love to ev’ryone

You want to pass it on!”

Maybe you and I can be the renewed sparks that get the fire of revival in our church, community, and nation going, let’s pray we can!

Deb Hill
Executive Assistant

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