This month we have been meditating on Psalm 45:11 “The King is enthralled by your beauty: Honor him, for He is your Lord”. So many of us can’t see our beauty, worth, or value in the same way God sees it. In my Life Group every week, we so often admit the view we hold of ourselves is flawed. These beautiful, amazing ladies that I get to spend time with every week who are truly incredible inside and out, struggle with the fear of inadequacy, the lies of discontentment, and the realities of disappointment from expectations not met the way we had imagined they would be. We discuss as women how we struggle with feeling valuable, important, successful, and often only see the opposite. And I’ve been thinking…Do we help each other in this struggle or do we allow a culture of self-deprecation? Do we as Christian women, women of EFCC, do we cheer each other’s beauty on? Or is there any hint of comparison, judgment, or inadequacy that keeps us from doing this for each other? I don’t know. Each of us knows our own hearts. But I do know it would honor the Lord if we, as a group, as the women’s ministry of EFCC, would try to make it our goal to honor the beauty in each other in a way that reflects God’s heart and beliefs about each other. It is essential that we fill our minds with the truth of God’s word, and that we spend time listening to God’s voice through prayer. But God also knew it wasn’t good for us to be alone. He knew when he created us that we needed each other. Maybe your words of encouragement, pointing out the beauty you see in another woman, maybe that is what she needs that day to draw her back to the truth of God’s word… that HE thinks she is beautiful. That HE created her worthy. That HE loves her. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes and our hearts to the women around us. Ask him to give you a word of encouragement to speak to the gal sitting next to you on the baseball field, your co-worker, the mom you always see picking up her kids from school, your neighbor, your Life Group leader. We all need to be reminded over and over again that the KING is enthralled by our beauty.
Alisha Keating