Grace to the Edges

Series: Hope in the Darkness
Text: Ruth 2:1-23
Speakers: Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

December 8, 2024: On Sunday, Family Pastor Josh Rose and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our Advent series from the Old Testament book of Ruth, Hope in the Darkness. The title of our sermon message is "Grace to the Edges."

The Element of Surprise

Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 5:38-48
Speakers: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

October 13, 2024: On Sunday, Family Pastor Josh Rose and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "The Element of Surprise." We hope you're enjoying our current study.

The Way We Stand

Series: On Philippians: A Colony of Heaven in a Dissatisfied World
Text: Philippians 4:1-3
Speakers: Pastors Josh Rose and Esteban Tapia

August 11, 2024: On Sunday, Family Pastor, Josh Rose, and Teaching Pastor, Esteban Tapia, continued our summer series on the book of Philippians. The title of this sermon is "The Way We Stand!"

Courage to Live

Series: On Philippians: A Colony of Heaven in a Dissatisfied World
Text: Philippians 1:21-26
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose and Esteban Tapia

June 16, 2024: On Sunday, Pastors Josh Rose and Esteban Tapia continued our summer series on the book of Philippians. Our main sermon title for Sunday's message is "Courage to Live."

Not of, but in and for.

Series: [RE]UNION
Text: John 17:6-19
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

March 3, 2024: On Sunday, Discipleship Pastor Josh Rose, and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued the latest season of messages (part 5) from our ongoing Gospel of John series, [RE]UNION. The next message in the series is entitled "Not of, but in and for."

The Last Word

Series: Teach Us To Pray | Text: Matthew 6:13
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

January 28, 2024: On Sunday, Pastors Josh Rose and Esteban Tapia completed our recent sermon series on The Lord's Prayer, Teach Us to Pray. This last message in the series is called The Last Word.

(If you attend the 9am service in the Chapel, please refer to this sermon outline for Pastor Tapia.)

No Fear?

Series: Signs of Life | Text: John 6:16-21
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

July 23, 2023: On Sunday, Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia continued our Gospel of John series for our latest season of messages, Signs of Life. We hope you're enjoying studying this section of the Scriptures with us. This sermon message is entitled No Fear?

In Dependence

Series: Signs of Life | Text: John 5:30-47
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

July 9, 2023: On Sunday, Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia continued our Gospel of John series for our latest season of messages, Signs of Life. We hope you'll enjoy studying this section of the Scriptures with us. This sermon message is entitled, In Dependence.

The Price of Purification

Series: Altared Lives | Text: Leviticus 4:1 - 5:13
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

March 26, 2023: This Sunday, Pastors Josh Rose and Esteban Tapia continued our teaching series, Altared Lives. This is a brief study of the Old Testament book of Leviticus for our Lenten season lead-up to Easter.

Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Leaders

Series: There May Be Dragons | Text: 1 Samuel 14:12-23
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

January 15, 2023: On Sunday, Pastors Josh Rose and Esteban Tapia completed our first teaching series of 2023, There May Be Dragons. We hope you enjoyed this study!