I love this story in Samuel 14, especially the role of the armor bearer. We don’t know much about him, but maybe without his timely words of encouragement, Jonathan wouldn’t have had the courage to climb that rock wall where he knew the well-equipped Philistine army waited!

Every “officer” in the Israelite army had an “assistant” known as an armor bearer. The loyal armor bearer helped the officer in battle and in the administration of the army. They often carried the armor and weapons of the officer, so they were known as armor bearers.

“Armor-bearers in ancient times had to be unusually brave and loyal, since the lives of their masters often depended on them.” (Youngblood)

Verse 7 in 1 Samuel 14 says “Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”. When we step out in faith, encouragement can make all the difference for good and discouragement can make all the difference for evil.

God was going to use Jonathan, but He wasn’t going to use Jonathan alone. When God uses someone He almost always calls others to support and help them. They are just as important in getting God’s work done. The armor bearer was Jonathan’s confidant and his words gave him the confidence he needed to take a step of faith to fulfill the mission he had been given.

Do you have an armor bearer in your life? More importantly, are you the armor bearer for someone else? Are you loyal, encouraging and a speaker of truth? Do people confide in you knowing you won’t repeat what they say? Being an armor bearer involves taking some risk, are you willing to take it? When you think about it, Jesus is our armor-bearer. We can trust Him completely with our confidence and He is always with us in the battles of life. .

Father, help us to trust you in times of uncertainty. Let us rest on your words of comfort. When we are weak and overcome with fear and doubt, help us to feel your presence. Remind our inner hearts of your words to fear not; to rest assured that today you promise that you will fight our battle.

Deb Hill

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