It seems a bit surprising at this juncture Jesus would call his disciples “little children” after all they had just spent three years of intense mentoring at his side. Did he use this as a term of endearment or as a gentle criticism of their immature faith? Perhaps it was because he knew they simply wanted to stay close to him, like a young child who clings to their mom and dad. But Jesus knew they would soon have to learn how to live without him. It was going to require a quantum leap in their faith. So even after spending three years at his side, in relative terms, their faith was still like that of “little children.”
Mature faith involves complete trust even when we can’t see the future, when the doctor shares a traumatic diagnosis, or when we are desperate or fearful and no answers are available. Mature faith involves complete trust in what God will do even when you know there’s nothing more you can do. Come to think of it, mature faith is a lot like a child’s faith…pure, simple, and trusting.
We will each arrive one day at a juncture where God will say one final time to our soul “Have faith my precious child and do not be afraid to close your eyes. You may not know this road but I do. Simply trust that I am taking you home. When you awake you will be safe in your eternal home.” I pray that whenever that day may come your faith in our heavenly father will prove to be pure, simple, and trusting – being fully assured He knows the road ahead and will bring you safely home.
Pastor Dave Korinek