Acts 29: The Story Continues
Series: Global Sunday (2023) | Text: Acts 1:8; Revelation 7:9
Speaker: Pastor Luke B
October 8, 2023: Sharing the love of Jesus worldwide has always been a high priority here at Emmanuel Faith. On Sunday, we shared about the ongoing impact we’ve been able to make through our Global Outreach Ministry. On Sunday, we heard a special message from Pastor Luke in all services.
Sorry for any inconvenience, but please note that this message is no longer available online (presented live only due to some sensitive subject nature discussed).
Sent in Love
Series: Global Sunday 2022: Sent in Love | Text: John 20:21; Matthew 28:18-20
Speakers: Pastor Luke & Pastor Esteban Tapia
November 6, 2022: Pastor Luke and Pastor Esteban Tapia taught on Sunday as we focused on the greater world around us that Jesus wants us to reach with the Good News of his Gospel. This message and services are no longer available for rebroadcast or streaming online. There also is not an audio podcast message available for this sermon.