Clarifying Conclusions
Series: 1st Corinthians - Anastasis | Text: 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
November 20, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia completed the 6th teaching season of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday, a study of the resurrection. We hope you enjoyed our year-long series in 1 Corinthians.
Humanity 2.0
Series: 1st Corinthians - Anastasis | Text: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
November 13, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued our 6th teaching season from our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. We're taking a closer look at the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, and how that impacts us and the world.
The Death of Death
Series: 1st Corinthians - Anastasis | Text: 1 Corinthians 15:12-34
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
October 30, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued our 6th teaching season of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. This is a study on the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Resurrecting the Good News
Series: 1st Corinthians - Anastasis | Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
October 23, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia began the 6th and final teaching season of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. This is a study on the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Public and Private Spirituality
Series: 1st Corinthians - Holy Spirit | Text: 1 Corinthians 14:1-40 (part 2)
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
October 16, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia finished season 5 of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. This was a study on the ministry and work of the Holy Spirit.
A Prophetic Community
Series: 1st Corinthians - Holy Spirit | Text: 1 Corinthians 14:1-40
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
October 9, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued season 5 of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. We’re studying the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Love: Plain and Simple
Series: 1st Corinthians - Holy Spirit | Text: 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
Speakers: Pastors Dennis Keating & Esteban Tapia
October 2, 2022: Pastors Dennis Keating and Esteban Tapia continued season 5 of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. We’re studying the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Spirit Embodied
Series: 1st Corinthians - Holy Spirit | Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
September 25, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued season 5 of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. We’re studying the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Spirit Empowered
Series: 1st Corinthians - Holy Spirit
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia
September 18, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued season 5 of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. We looked further into the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we learn together how his extraordinary power can impact our everyday lives for God's kingdom in this week's message, Spirit Empowered.
Spirit [in]Formed
Series: 1st Corinthians - Holy Spirit
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-3
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia
September 11, 2022: Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia began season 5 of our 1 Corinthians series on Sunday. We’ll be looking more closely at the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit, and will discover together how his extraordinary power can impact our everyday lives for God's kingdom.