His failure and Jesus’ subsequent crucifixion must have sent Peter into an emotional tail-spin. We don’t know how else Satan sifted Peter in the days that followed. With each post-resurrection appearance of Christ to the apostles, Satan probably hit Peter with another blast of guilt, self-loathing, and despair. Yet Jesus did not condemn Peter. He knew the Holy Spirit was doing a work in Peter’s heart. The third time that Jesus showed himself to Peter was at the Sea of Galilee. (John 21:14). As soon as Peter saw him on the shore he dove from his boat and swam with all his might to Jesus. His heart was repentant and finally ready to hear Jesus.
Three times Jesus asked him “Simon, do you love Me?” Each time Peter responded, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love You.” In English, this passage seems very repetitive, but if we look at the original Koine Greek text there’s more than meets the eye. The first two times, Jesus asks Peter “Do you agape (love) Me?” Jesus uses the Greek term indicating deepest, heartfelt love, “agape”. Both times Peter answers with “Yes, I phileo (love) You.” His answer uses a Greek word that normally means “brotherly” love. However, the third time Jesus changes the question to “Do you phileo (love) Me?” In this subtle change it seems the Lord Jesus is coming down to meet Peter at his present level. It was the only level of “love” Peter was ready to confess at that point in his emotional journey. Even the third time, Peter answers “Yes, I phileo You,” but Jesus is OK with that. He doesn’t insist Peter come up to “agape” love. He accepts Peter as he is.
I find that immensely encouraging. I’m sure the Lord often hopes we will have a stronger love for him and deeper obedience to his will. But this example shows that Jesus is willing to meet us on our plane. He is patient and full of grace. He waits for the Spirit to work in our hearts and lift us to the next level.
How might Jesus be inviting you to a higher level in your walk with Him? What is the Holy Spirit speaking to your soul about that? Is there some way you need to be renewed by the Lord? Start by telling Jesus how much you love him.
Pastor Dave Korinek