Many of you, like me, have grown up in Bible-teaching, missions-minded churches. From early  ages, we’ve repeated “For God so loved the world…” and sang “I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go.”  For me, there was a definite surrender of my life to the Lord in my high school years as I sang that song (with the caveat – Please, Lord, just not as a pastor’s wife…which in fact I later became!).

While in Bible college with some decisions looming concerning my future, I came across  Solomon’s words as he dedicated the Temple in 1 Kings 8:60, 61. Stating as God’s “bottom line” His desire that all the people of the earth may know that He is the one and only True God, he goes on to exhort the people to be wholly devoted to (other translations say “committed to,” “fully obey,”  “give your entire heart to”) God. It was an AHA! moment for me…a life-impacting moment! I suddenly realized that the condition of my heart before God…wherever His path would take me… made a difference in God’s seeing His deepest desire met that all the people of the earth would know about Him. The condition of my heart matters! I like the way Eugene Peterson puts this  passage in The Message: “…your lives must be totally obedient to God, our personal God,  following the life path he has cleared, alert and attentive to everything he has made plain this day.”

Obviously for some this means vocational Christian ministry…pastoring, translating Scripture,  taking the message to unreached people groups, and more. For others, it means being a nurse,  driving a school bus, working as a businessman or a carpenter, or being a mom raising kids.  All are important… for wherever God plants us, we have the opportunity to show by life and word that He is the True God, seeking a relationship with us and those whose lives we touch. But the condition of our hearts is paramount for this to happen! We’re in this together…with Him…so that all the people of the earth will know that He is God, and respond to His great love. Will you tell Him today you’re on board with a committed heart to see His will accomplished?

Bev Feiker
Global Outreach Team

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