John 1:38
Questions are powerful. They have a way of inviting conversation and engagement with another person. They have a way of causing people to make a decision. “Will you marry me?” is a question that demands a response. A well-placed question can cause people to think and rethink their approach to life. Maybe that’s the reason Jesus was so keen on asking questions. There are 339 questions recorded in the gospels that Jesus asked.
In fact, the very first words that John recorded Jesus speaking are a question. Up to this point, John’s gospel has been talking about Jesus, but now Jesus talking. This is the Logos, the eternal Son of God, the one “with” God, the one who perfectly reveals God… and he’s speaking. I would assume that God would come and make declarations… maybe even threats, but what we see is that he asks questions. It’s a kind of grace. Questions are a key part of Jesus’ evangelistic technique – then and now.
In John 1:38 we read,
“Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?”
What a great question… and what a hard question to answer. I remember vividly when my counselor asked me, “What do you hope to get out of that?” It was such a poignant question that it stopped me in my tracks. I’m not sure I’d thought about that – at least not consciously. I was operating on autopilot like so many of us often do. I hadn’t stopped to really think about the question. What was driving me? What was the thing that was making me push so hard? What was I seeking?”
So let me ask you, what are YOU seeking? Are you seeking healing? Are you seeking hope? Are you seeking significance? Are you seeking purpose? Are you seeking intimacy? Are you seeking rest? One of the reasons Jesus begins with this question is because discipleship is an invitation to have our deepest desires met in Jesus. He doesn’t always meet the desires that are strongest in us, but he does meet the desires that are deepest within our hearts.
Today, take some time and think about what you’re really seeking – what you really, truly, and deeply want. Think about why you want that thing. Then, tell Jesus and have a conversation with him about the way he might want to satisfy your deepest longings.
Pastor Ryan Paulson