Back From Failure

Series: Back to Life
Text: John 21:15-25
Speaker: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia

April 28, 2024: On Sunday, Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia completed Back to Life, our last season of messages (part 6) in our year-long Gospel of John series. The final message in this series is entitled "Back From Failure." We hope you enjoyed this study of the Scriptures.

Back From Emptiness

Series: Back to Life
Text: John 21:1-14
Speaker: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia

April 21, 2024: On Sunday, Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued Back to Life, our last season of messages (part 6) in our recent Gospel of John series. The next message in this series is entitled "Back From Emptiness."

Back From Doubt

Series: Back to Life
Text: John 20:24-31
Speaker: Pastor Ryan Paulson

April 14, 2024: On Sunday, Pastor Ryan Paulson continued Back to Life, our last season of messages (part 6) in our recent Gospel of John series. The next message in this series is entitled "Back From Doubt."

Back From Fear

Series: Back to Life
Text: John 20:19-23
Speaker: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia

April 7, 2024: On Sunday, Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued Back to Life, our last season of messages (part 6) in our recent Gospel of John series. The next message in this series is entitled "Back From Fear."

The Gardener (Easter 2024)

Series: Back to Life
Text: John 20:1-18
Speaker: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia

March 30/31, 2024: On Easter weekend, Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued Back to Life, the next season of messages (part 6) of our recent Gospel of John series which began on Good Friday. The next message in the new series is entitled "The Gardener."

Good Friday (2024)

Series: Back to Life
Text: John 19:1-42
Speaker: EFCC Pastors

March 29, 2024: At our Good Friday services, we came together as a church family to worship the Lord and were reminded from the Scriptures of Jesus’ eternity-altering, redemptive work on the cross.

The Verdict Is In

Series: [RE]UNION
Text: John 18:33-40
Speaker: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia

March 24, 2024: On Sunday, Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia completed the latest season of messages (part 5) from our ongoing Gospel of John series, [RE]UNION. This last message is entitled "The Verdict Is In." We hope you enjoyed studying this section of the Scriptures with us.

It Was Not a Good Day

Series: [RE]UNION
Text: John 18:1-32
Speaker: Pastor Esteban Tapia

March 17, 2024: On Sunday, Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued the latest season of messages (part 5) from our ongoing Gospel of John series, [RE]UNION. This message is entitled "It Was Not a Good Day."

What Jesus Wants

Series: [RE]UNION
Text: John 17:20-26
Speaker: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia

March 10, 2024: On Sunday, Pastors Ryan Paulson and Esteban Tapia continued the latest season of messages (part 5) from our ongoing Gospel of John series, [RE]UNION. This message is entitled "What Jesus Wants."

Not of, but in and for.

Series: [RE]UNION
Text: John 17:6-19
Speaker: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia

March 3, 2024: On Sunday, Discipleship Pastor Josh Rose, and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued the latest season of messages (part 5) from our ongoing Gospel of John series, [RE]UNION. The next message in the series is entitled "Not of, but in and for."