When I was 11 years old I learned about my sisters Elsie and Olive. They did not live past birth. It was hard for me and my family, but my dad explained he was able to lay his grief down at the Lord’s feet. He realized there was nothing he could do to save them or fix the situation on his own. The song Into Faith I Go by Pat Barrett was a great help.

“Nobody said this would be easy
Anyone who did
never went through anything painful
But faith is not some fragile thing that shatters
when we walk through something hard
So, we walk on whatever may come
To the ups and downs, the highs and lows
The taking in, the letting go
To tears and laughter, the great unknown
To the open journey, into faith, I go.”

In Philippians 1:28, Paul explained that believers don’t need to be frightened by the trials they face, “without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.” God is working out our salvation. When our enemy is out to destroy us, we can face the situation without fear. Doing that demonstrates confidence that we will be saved and that our adversary, including the challenges we face, will not last.

Kids my age need this verse because they are vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks and many of them break easily. Kids my age can lay their trials down at the Lord’s feet. His Word and his salvation build a barrier that saves them from the enemy’s lies and schemes. Maybe adults need that too.

Written by EFCC Jr. High Student Willow Dakin
Assisted by Pastor John Riley

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