Perhaps the most overlooked and misunderstood member of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit. Consider that no recorded prayers in the Scriptures are directed to Him and that Paul will often mention in his letters that he is “giving thanks to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ,” while leaving out the Spirit. Indeed, the number of times God the Holy Spirit is written about in the Bible is quite small when compared to the other two members of the Trinity.
Who, then, is the Holy Spirit? We know from John 14 and 16 that He is a person, a Helper/Comforter, the Spirit of truth, the One who guides us into all truth, and the One who will glorify Jesus as He reveals the things of Christ to us. We know He is the Spirit of Christ (1 Peter 1:11). We know He is “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). We know He is given to those who ask for Him and that He is a good gift! (Luke 11:9-13) We also know from this weekend’s passage of study that we who are believers and followers of Christ have received Him so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.
And yet, some of us are hesitant or perhaps even afraid of Him. I think that’s mostly because we don’t know Who He is or we’ve forgotten that He is the One Jesus sent to be with us when He ascended to heaven (see John 16:6 where Jesus says it is to our advantage that He leaves because that means the Spirit will come). Would you agree, or do you have other thoughts on all of this? In any event, the Scriptures speak loudly and clearly that the Person of God, the Holy Spirit, is a great gift! It is by Him that we can know God (1 Corinthians 1:11-12) as well as know about and experience all the good that He has done for us and that He has in store for us. Let me say it again – the Holy Spirit is a great gift that has been freely given to us by God.
This week, as you see the moving of God in your life, be sure to recognize that that’s the Holy Spirit! He’s the One giving you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. He’s the One bringing Scripture to mind. He’s the One giving you the words to speak when you don’t know what to say. He’s the One who’s changing your heart. He’s the One who’s making you more like Christ. He’s the One who’s protecting you and guiding you and leading you and comforting you and being that friend who sticks closer than a brother. And as you see Him moving and working, be sure to thank God for Him, because He is God and He’s sent from God for your good and His glory. Perhaps the best thing we can do this week is to enjoy this gift and be thankful for Him. That’s what I’m aiming for. I hope you’ll join me in the pursuit.
Scott Smith
Connections & Growth Pastor