Taken from scripture, and from the mind of the bold and Holy Spirit-filled apostle Peter come these lyrics inspired by 1 Peter 2:9.
“You are a chosen generation.
You are a royal priesthood.
You are a holy nation.
You are His own special people.
That you may proclaim the praises of Him, who called you out of darkness
That you may proclaim the praises of Him, who called you…..into……His LIGHT, His marvelous light.”
Let’s unpack Peter’s words of exhortation to the early church.
You are a chosen race or generation, Christian—This used to apply only to the nation of ancient Israel. But the “Chosen race” now includes you and me— anyone from anywhere who repents and calls on the name of the Lord Jesus.
You are a royal priesthood and a holy nation, Christian— Listen to God through Moses, in Exodus 19, as he instituted the covenant and proclaimed a new identity over Israel.
“5Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”
For well over 1,000 years the priestly tribe of Levi had exclusive and minimal access to God; but because of the blood of the Lamb, by Christian faith—you can approach the King of Kings.
The covenant gave Israel an exalted position among other nations, but Christian—you’re a citizen of the Nation of Heaven and you’ve been made holy, to live holy, because a Holy Father loves you and calls you his own.
Sounds awesome. But don’t you dare miss the reason why. These titles, your new identity, Christian, is for Him and His glory—not your own. We honor and praise the God who called us out of darkness, and into his marvelous light. Every Christian is chosen, royal, holy, and so special to God. Christian—you are called to shout of His goodness and mercy, sing of His love, and tell a lost world they don’t have to live in darkness any longer.
May we be light to show others his marvelous, wonderful light.
Donielle Winter
EFCC Member