Matthew 6:24

We love our two-year-old yellow lab, Finely. He’s the best dog. He’s so sweet and affectionate, he loves a good run, and he’s nominally obedient. He does have some bad habits, though. His primary fault is that he thinks he’s a person. He wants to sit at the dinner table with us and believes that he’s a full member of the family. He’s not wrong. One of his other bad habits is that he barks at people when they first come to our house.

So, we called our awesome dog trainer to help us. When we told our daughter that we were going to work with a trainer, Avery said, “How do you improve upon perfection?” Ha! We decided we’d try to improve. Chris came over and began working with Finley… well, really, he started working with us. The truth is, the dog isn’t the problem, his owners are. We’re the problem, it’s us! The issue is that he gets different instructions and expectations from me and Kelly than he does from our kids. He doesn’t know what to do or expect because he has multiple masters (and some give him more treats than others).

Jesus knew that it was impossible to live with two masters. He said,
““No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬
Jesus is so definitive. He doesn’t say it’s hard to serve two masters, he says it’s impossible. And Jesus knows that money is constantly vying to be obeyed; vying to be our god.

So, here’s the question we all must answer: are we following Jesus alone or are we trying to serve two masters? Think about your life and ask Jesus to reveal to you ways that you might be trying to serve something other than him.

Pastor Ryan Paulson

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