Ruth 3 ends with Naomi confidently declaring: “For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.” In the next chapter, we see Boaz sitting at the city gate, waiting for the other redeemer to arrive. I can’t help but wonder what thoughts and prayers filled Boaz’s mind that night and as he waited.

Boaz knew the process, understood the customs, and followed them. He had a plan and a desired outcome—he wanted to marry Ruth—but he also knew he couldn’t control every detail. He had to wait, trust, and rely on the Lord to work. Boaz didn’t take shortcuts or manipulate the situation. He did things the right way, even though it meant uncertainty. Boaz lived by faith, trusting that God would accomplish His purposes.

What about you? Are you waiting for God to work something out in your life? Maybe you’re in a situation where you feel stuck, or you’re longing for God to move, but the waiting feels hard. The truth is, the story we’re part of—God’s unfolding plan—is a story of faith. We’re called to trust God, to step into the places He leads us, to obey His principles, and then to wait. It sounds simple, but when we’re in the middle of waiting, faith can feel fragile, and the temptation to take control can be strong.

Imagine if Boaz had bypassed custom and law and simply claimed Ruth as his wife. Imagine if he hadn’t allowed her to glean grain in the first place. What if? When my faith wanes, I find myself playing the “what if” game with God. I strategize. I overthink. I try to control outcomes. Planning isn’t bad, but when I stop talking to God, stop living by His principles, and stop walking in faith, I’m no longer doing what God has called me to do—I’m trying to do what only God can do.

Here’s my challenge for you this Christmas season: Talk to God. Ask Him to help you wait in faith.

Sometimes waiting in faith means praying, trusting, and then seeking wise counsel from those who can point you to Jesus. If that’s you this Christmas, know that we’re here to walk alongside you. Come to us, and let us help you find hope, direction, and the practical support you need.

As we celebrate the coming of our Savior, remember that God is faithful. He is at work, even in the waiting. Merry Christmas—we’re praying for you all.

Pastor Jeremy Johnson

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