What is greatness? Who defines it? Are we measured by our greatness? By what we accomplish? By how we stand out?

The world tells us to work faster, be better, and push harder.
Jesus tells us to love. (Mark 12)

The world tells us to look out for number one (ourselves).
Jesus tells us to feed the hungry and clothe the poor. (Matthew 25)

The world tells us that appearances matter.
The Bible tells us to look at the heart. (I Sam 16)

I think sometimes we complicate it. Looking at these scriptures it seems so simple. Mark 10:43-44 “Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.”

Living a great story can be part of an ordinary, everyday life because it’s not about being flashy or drawing attention. It’s about living out the life Jesus calls us to, following the example He set. It starts with our heart posture. When our hearts are focused on the Lord, we see things through His eyes. When we see people the way the Lord sees them, we realize how valued and cherished each individual is, and it shapes the way we treat people. When we recognize that everything we have is the Lord’s, we loosen our grip and are freed to be more generous.

Living a great story—being great for eternal purposes—often involves doing the next right thing, taking that next step to partner with the Father in His work. You don’t need a blueprint and a twelve-step plan. When you feel the Lord nudging you, take the step. Sometimes the step is small, like letting someone in front of you in line at the store because you can see that he is in a hurry. Sometimes the step is huge like moving across the world to share the gospel with the unreached. Sometimes the step is texting a friend you know is struggling and inviting her out for coffee.

Spend some time today in prayer asking the Lord to show you the next step He has for you, and then take it. Each day ask Him how He wants you to move, and then do it. Ask Him to reveal opportunities to show His love, and then be aware as you go throughout your day. Consider writing in a prayer journal or the notes app on your phone what He tells you to do, and note the blessings as you walk in obedience and live the great story He has for your life.

Outreach Team

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