Meeting needs and encouraging families who foster and adopt.

Family Strong Foster Care/Adoption Ministry

There are over 140 million orphans worldwide. That’s approximately the population of the entire country of Russia. In the United States, there are over 400,000 children currently in foster care. And of those 400,000 children, 100,000 are waiting right now for a family to call their own. Nearly 100 times a day, a child in California is placed in foster care and a family is broken.

Families matter. Families are God’s design for not only raising children in safety and love, but God chose to bless the world through a family, redeem the world through a family, and invite the world into His family.

Families matter. At EFCC, we help vulnerable children by building strong families.

We have three strategies for building Strong Families.

We believe in prevention.

We believe in restoration.

And we believe in expanding our view of Family.

Family Strong Care Communities

Foster families in our community need support. Care Communities are groups of volunteers that commit to supporting one family for a set period of time.  They bring meals, babysit, encourage, and pray for the family.  We have seen lives changed as a result of this ministry and you can be a part of helping vulnerable children and families in our community.

Contact Jenny Morgan via email to get involved.

Support families in need by opening your home temporarily to children. Hostings can last as little as 1 day to several weeks. You will have the freedom to accept or reject any hosting- it’s based on your availability and ability.

As needed

Host families receive training and background checks in order to host children in their homes.

I can’t host, can I still help?
Yes! There is also a need for support roles- volunteers who will assist with dinners, clothing, running errands, etc.

Join the team that runs Family Strong Respite Nights! We provide a night of fun for foster and adopted children and their siblings and give their caregivers a night off. Volunteers play games and supervise the children. We provide dinner, activities, and a movie.


Do I need training?
We provide a short training session. We will also request that you complete a background check in order to work with children at EFCC.

How long do we watch the kids?
3-4 hours, usually on a Friday or Saturday

How old do I need to be to serve?
Students 15 and up are welcome to serve. If you’re under 15, please bring an adult

Can I get community service hours for helping?

A monthly support group for parents in the adoption/foster care community. We pray, encourage, and learn together as we share our experiences.

Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8:00 pm, room EC-1A. Childcare is available – please RSVP via email [email protected]

Any foster, adoptive, kinship parent. If you currently have children in your home, have an empty nest, or are awaiting a placement, you are welcome. Attendance at EFCC is not required to participate.