Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. – Matthew 28:16-17

Did you hear that? Some doubted. Notice that the “some” that Matthew is referring to is some of the remaining eleven disciples. Even some of Jesus’ closest disciples doubted. Wow! That sure does make me a little better about the times that I have doubts. I mean, if the guys who lived with Jesus and literally saw the miracles with their own eyes… the ones who even saw him raised from the dead… if they had doubts, then I shouldn’t feel terrible about mine, right?

However, I think that we can take this a step further. It doesn’t matter who you are, I want you to know that your doubts don’t disqualify you for ministry. I know this because immediately after Matthew gives us this account, Jesus commissions them to “Go therefore and make disciples…” Not only that but just 10 days later, on the day of Pentecost, guess who was still there? Guess who the Holy Spirit chose to descend on and fill? Guess who still had the divine stamp of approval? All eleven disciples! Even the doubting ones. We know that because Luke makes it abundantly clear. Notice who is standing with Peter as he preaches the first Christian sermon in Acts 2:14: “But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them….” We are not told if they continued to have their doubts or not, but one thing is abundantly clear: Doubt did not disqualify them from ministry.

Here’s the good news for you and me! If doubt didn’t disqualify them, it definitely doesn’t disqualify you. Remember, in some ways, the disciples had it much easier than we do. Thomas, after he refused to believe until he touched the holes in Jesus’ hands and side in John 20:29, gets this response from Jesus when he finally sees him: “So, you believe because you’ve seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing” (MSG). Now, here we are, 2000 years later. We can’t see with our own eyes. Of course, we are going to be more likely to doubt. But we can be assured that if doubt didn’t disqualify them, it doesn’t disqualify you and me. So, don’t let doubt discourage you. Instead, push into your doubts. Ask questions. Take them to God. He isn’t afraid of them. He isn’t going to backhand you for them. He is going to invite you into a more intimate connection with himself and challenge you to go deeper into whatever he is calling you to do. I pray that you and I will have the courage to follow.

Josh Rose
Family Pastor

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