“Oh, put me in Coach, I’m ready to play…today!” Can you hear the song in your head? I think of it each time I read The Great Commission “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 18:19-20). As disciples called to “go”, “make” and “teach” we are both coaches and players—there are no side-line Christians—we’re all in the game.
God’s heart for our participation isn’t new, we see it from the very beginning in The Creation Mandate when God speaks to both male and female, charging them to “be fruitful and multiply”, (Genesis 1:28). He’s always wanted our help in the multiplication process. The wide empowerment is seen again on the day of Pentecost when we see the Spirit of God is for every follower of Jesus. And Scripture tells us that the Spirit is the distributor and empowerer of gifts and does so as he wills (1 Corinthians 12:4; 11). It’s only fitting that God is calling all the plays…He created the game and its players, after all!
Can I admit something to you? I love playing sports, however, I don’t particularly like to sit and watch them. And the mission of making Jesus known to all nations is not a game—it’s life or death. Jesus came for all, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or social ranking and He has called all of His disciples— in all of those spheres and in their particular gifting— to “go”, “make” and “teach.” Each of us has been created and placed with intention and purpose. Do you know that? More than that, do you live like you believe it? What gifts, talents, and skills do you have and how might they be utilized for serving and your participation in The Great Commission? If you need help figuring that out, visit: www.efcc.org/resources and click on How to Access My Spiritual Gifts. Now, can you sing it with me? “Oh, put me in Coach, I’m ready to play…today!”
Jessica Klootwyk
Discipleship Director