A few weeks ago I lost my wallet. Once I gave in and resigned myself to the fact it was not to be found, I decided to go get a new license. Unfortunately that meant going to the DMV during quarantine. Ugh, I don’t like the DMV during normal times! Naturally I looked for a way to avoid going. I filled out the paperwork online thinking they would just send me a new license, but, no, I still had to go in. The line wrapped around the entire building! People in line were friendly, but unhappy! (It was a loooong line.)
Then when a staff member came out and announced the wait time would be two to three times longer than expected, I decided I did not need a license after all. I asked the staff member what days/times were best to come and she unexpectedly said to come with her. She walked me to the front of the line, gave me a number and directed me inside! I was shocked, excited, and I felt a little guilty. I waited a fraction of the time as the people in line in front of me and they all knew it! I did not get the friendliest looks after that! In fact people were jealous and upset. However, the nicest DMV employee in the world saved me a few hours and gave me hope in humanity!
Here is the point: We come into every situation of life with bias, baggage, and expectation. I sometimes think that life isn’t fair and God isn’t taking care of me. That type of thinking is far from the truth. He blessed me at the DMV to show me not to believe the lies of the enemy, faulty thinking, or my doubts. God showed me that jealousy and envy have no place in my heart or in his kingdom (James 3:14-15).
The funny part is, a few days after getting my new license, a police officer dropped off my wallet that someone had found and turned in. I made an unnecessary trip to the DMV, but God knew how I needed to experience him that day and remind me of his faithfulness (Psalm 86:15).
Think of a time where God took care of you in a normal way, but it made a huge impact. In prayer, tell God what he did for you and thank him for how he took care of you.
Pastor Jeremy Johnson
Men’s Ministry