The first pages of Scripture ground us in the story God is telling. They paint a picture for us of the kind of world God created and the role human beings are designed to hold in that world. As we reflect on the story of creation, we are struck by something profound: humanity is the masterpiece of God’s work; we are his crown jewel. God uniquely shaped men and women in his image – nothing else in all creation has this elevated place. This wasn’t an afterthought. It wasn’t an accident. It was the culmination of creation itself, and God declared it “very good.”

The account in Genesis reads,

“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.” (Genesis 1:27, 31)

Let’s pause here for a moment. Men and women – created equal, yet distinct – both bear the image of the Almighty. This means that every person you meet is stamped with divine worth. The way we work, love, and relate to one another reflects a piece of who God is. And when God looked at His work, He didn’t see division or competition. He saw beauty, harmony, and purpose.

In our world, there’s a temptation to pit men and women against each other, to focus on the differences in a way that divides instead of celebrating God’s intentional design. But Scripture invites us to a better story. Together, men and women reflect the fullness of God’s character. Think about it – our relational nature, creativity, strength, and compassion all point back to Him. When God declared His creation “very good,” He affirmed the inherent dignity of both men and women. This truth should shape how we see ourselves and each other. It calls us to live as people who honor one another, championing the worth and value God has given.

We know that when sin entered the picture, it began to destroy God’s good creation, however, God didn’t abandon his image-bearers when sin entered the picture. Through Jesus, He redeems and restores what was broken, inviting us to live into our God-given identity and purpose. So today, let’s embrace the truth that God’s design is good. Let’s treat one another with honor, celebrating the image of God in every person we encounter. And let’s live with confidence, knowing that God’s declaration over His creation—including you and me—is still true: it is “very good.”

Pastor Ryan Paulson

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